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Database Migration with Flyway, SpringBoot and PostgreSQL | Clean Code | Geekific
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In the previous video of this series, we redesigned our initial SpringBoot project to follow more of a clean architecture mentality and abstracted all database access into a single interface which decoupled storage options and allowed us to select different implementations based on a certain configuration. In this video, we add a new implementation to our database options. This implementation will make use of a Postgres database which we will cover in detail.
PostgreSQL Official download site:
00:00 Introduction
00:09 PostgreSQL and Flyway Integration
01:36 DB Migrations
04:00 Testing our Code
04:24 Thanks for Watching!
If you found this video helpful, check other Geekific uploads:
- Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals:
- SOLID Principles and Best Practices:
- Recursion Made Simple, Recursive Methods:
- Use-Case and Sequence Diagrams:
- Introduction to Dynamic Programming:
- Trees Compared and Visualized, BST vs AVL vs RedBlack vs Splay vs Heaps:
- Generics and Wildcards in Java, Invariance vs Covariance vs Contravariance:
- Two Sum Problem, from Brute Force to Optimal:
- What is a Thread? (Process, Program, Parallelism, Scheduler Explained):
- Domain-Driven Design Made Simple:
- Clean Architecture with Spring Boot and Java, Part 1:
#Geekific #CleanArchitecture #SpringBoot #BestPractices #CleanCode #DDD
Переглядів: 180


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Support us on Patreon: GitHub Repository: Stay updated on our videos by subscribing to the channel and hitting the like button! In this last introductory system design interview video, we are going to cover several terminologies and concepts. It is important to have a basic understanding of these topics as they might be men...
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  • @unanimous8510
    @unanimous8510 Годину тому

    Very nice!

  • @aldolunabueno2634
    @aldolunabueno2634 День тому

    4:25 The UML diagram is missing the has-a relationship from Composite class to Component internface.

  • @angelschmal
    @angelschmal День тому

    This is just an amazing tutorial

  • @code4logics
    @code4logics 2 дні тому

    you are super awesome

  • @me-wi8vf
    @me-wi8vf 3 дні тому

    Wonderful and no other words I have to explain my thanks and gratitude for tour hard work brother. EXCELLENT - 1) materials, 2) way of teaching, 3) Presentation, 4) Attitude, 5) Command over concepts, 6) HARD WORK HATS OFF TO YOU MY BROTHER. THANKS a lot. If possible, Request to share more and more quality videos like these on all topics especially like Spring (Core) Framework, Spring Data, Spring Security, Core Java 17 topics and so on... My Wish: If possible to work with you technically and learn the "TECHNIQUE of LEARNING (that is, understanding new/any topics in a crystal clear manner)" from you. Thanks.

    • @geekific
      @geekific 2 дні тому

      Thanks a lot for the kind words and support <3 I will add your requests to my to-do list for upcoming videos! Stay Tuned!

  • @Fun9to5
    @Fun9to5 3 дні тому

    So with this pattern you can replace a single simple method that instanciate 10 different classes (implementing the same interface/abstract class) in a switch by 10 new creator classes to respect "Open to extension Close to modification" .... That's AMAZING ... What a great idea that's so much better now. LOL

  • @petrow_
    @petrow_ 4 дні тому

    So cool, at last. Thanks a lot!

  • @siddhanthsridhar4742
    @siddhanthsridhar4742 5 днів тому

    pesu students thumbs up if here

  • @Kelechikellyadiele
    @Kelechikellyadiele 6 днів тому

    Very clear and concise like a 'Use Case'😀. Thank you for sharing

  • @mtouphd371
    @mtouphd371 6 днів тому

    you are the best my freind

  • @darrenjackson4646
    @darrenjackson4646 6 днів тому

    you are amazing! Everything is explained so well. I can honestly say that I am learning more from you than my comp sci professor

  • @christianrodier3381
    @christianrodier3381 8 днів тому

    Super helpful

  • @caiosaldanha2371
    @caiosaldanha2371 8 днів тому

    That was the best explamnation so far! Thank you very much!

  • @DG-jq2jq
    @DG-jq2jq 8 днів тому


  • @leaoaugusto
    @leaoaugusto 9 днів тому

    Thank you

  • @rburaksaritas
    @rburaksaritas 9 днів тому

    isn't this just a microkernel architecture pattern?

  • @rburaksaritas
    @rburaksaritas 9 днів тому

    isn't this just our old friend encapsulation?

  • @hetjayeshbhaipatel1075
    @hetjayeshbhaipatel1075 10 днів тому


  • @namjitharavind
    @namjitharavind 10 днів тому

    Factory Method scope is classified as class and Absrtact Factory scope as object. Can you please tell me , How it came into that conclusion?

  • @rburaksaritas
    @rburaksaritas 10 днів тому

    What is the use of "private String data" field here? If i call the getInstance() function with some data string, it will not update the data field of the instance. The first getInstance() call will set the data value and it will never change again. What am I missing?

    • @rburaksaritas
      @rburaksaritas 10 днів тому

      Nevermind, the question is already asked before and answered well. If anyone thought the same thing: A: Very nice! This video was mainly about the Singleton Pattern that is why I didn't want to delve other details. But what you could do is create a map and store several singletons based on their names, then the single instance would be tied to that name. So, in the most common example if you were using the singleton for DB instances and you were using two of them, you'll have two records in your map! Hope this helps :) Cheers!

  • @BashithaShamila
    @BashithaShamila 11 днів тому

    you have the best teaching skill among the youtubers i've watched , keep it up bro ....!

  • @shashikantnipanikar860
    @shashikantnipanikar860 12 днів тому

    Really helpful

  • @perfectketchup
    @perfectketchup 13 днів тому

    Sorry but why cant you make a list of INotifiers, and call by iteration, instead of creating this ceremonial boilerplate?

  • @IsaacC20
    @IsaacC20 14 днів тому

    Multiplicity wasn't explained very well. Allow me to clarify: The multiplicity attached to each class indicates how many instances of that class can be aggregated-by/composed-by/associated-with a *single* object of the other class. For example, the relationship @4:53 says two things: (1) "0...N BankAccount(s) can be aggregated by each single Customer object" and (2) "There is exactly 1 Customer object for each single BankAccount object". Similarly, @7:23 (1) "0...N BankEvent is associated with a single Customer object (i.e., a Customer can attend 0 or more BankEvents)" and (2) "0...N Customer is associated with a single BankEvent (i.e., Each BankEvent can have 0 or more Customer(s))"

  • @Kaviarasu_NS
    @Kaviarasu_NS 15 днів тому

    can pls do share tools you use for your tutorial creation, looks great

  • @dhruvburada5391
    @dhruvburada5391 16 днів тому

    Thank you for your such detailed Information It is something I was looking for.

  • @Sk-ud9uy
    @Sk-ud9uy 16 днів тому

    Can't figure what does the "pizza.SetToppings" mean. or, more specifically what is the " .SetWhatever ". I know what it should do, but it does not work, it says that it needs to be declared previously, but where should I declare it, how can I change that string while the object is being made? My code gives "null" where all the toppings, sauce and crust types should be. Plz send help!

  • @justmagic_4897
    @justmagic_4897 16 днів тому

    Hey man, checked a few of your videos, they're great, keep it up, understood a lot of concepts thanks to your detailed explanations

  • @KushagraKanodia-nm1re
    @KushagraKanodia-nm1re 16 днів тому

    great video just one question, when doing the Customer id example, if we are already using the synchronized method to increment id we dont need to use volatile keyword right? l

  • @mohammadiqbal4668
    @mohammadiqbal4668 16 днів тому

    but this question is about arrays and video is about linked list

  • @mercykissi7016
    @mercykissi7016 17 днів тому

    Nice one

  • @bob_mikhail
    @bob_mikhail 17 днів тому

    How do you insert, remove or reorder handlers dynamically? Each handler only has a reference to the next one

  • @karoldo1831
    @karoldo1831 19 днів тому

    In terms of suggestions for future videos: 1) algorithms topic - since you have a playlist of well known topic like "graphs", then maybe you can also do the infamous "dynamic programming" playlist? :D 2) Java topic, maybe you can do a demo how to secure a web app e.g. with spring security?

    • @geekific
      @geekific 18 днів тому

      Thanks for the feedback! Will try to integrate this in future videos. Stay Tuned!

  • @adam.phelps
    @adam.phelps 20 днів тому

    Very helpful thank you!!

  • @butterbutter
    @butterbutter 21 день тому

    Great video! I was wondering if it would be possible to use the Composite pattern here? We can have that Whatsapp and Email notifications implement the Notifier interface and then have compositeApps which can include any platform (Whatsapp, email, facebook, etc). Thanks in advance!